Friday, May 28, 2010

Hello , I've decided to revive my blog for a while yay.

I know , I know , recenly i have gone bonkers over Rainie Yang .
From watching her drama than songs and now collecting her pictures. Maybe I'm gonna buy her album and attend her concert next yay :>

She's soo damn cute , how not to like her?
People persistantly reminded me of my craze , all the time .
I know it's irritating haha bear with it ya?
I have a fetish for cute gurls
Cute girls with star-shaped mole on their chubby right cheek
Rainie is simply a perfect epitome of "cute".
Hence "Priestess of cute"?
Ke Ai Gong Zhu

My life is pretty mundane , no point spilling it on this dead blog.
No one will even bother to know anyway
I'm just a normal guy
In a big world
Sometimes i feel rather lonely,
I craved for attention

OK here comes I suggest you Stop here.

Dreams I have carved is the outcome of the person I am of the present.
I realised that i need that kind of satisfaction in my life
even if it comes with a price
I will accept it
I'm training for it ,
hopefully it helps
I'm on my own
I Know it's dark out there
I can't see
Will I be lost in the midst of my own desire?
Or will I be able to find my light?
It's unrealistic to many but achieveble to me
I'm competing with the world.
People who are better than me in many attributes

I'm unsure
I'm not confident

You have no idea what i've been rambling about.It's okay

I need to build up my arsenal of skills for battle
I wish lady luck would smile at me
I need lots and lots of confidence
Will i ever shine?

Or will I be disqualified even before trying?
I'm scared
HARD work is essential
Am i up for it?
People have succeeded and benefited
Can I replicate their achievements?

I really wish for a sign
I don't want to be just me.